Deborah - traduction vers français
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Deborah - traduction vers français

Devorah; Debhorah; Dvorah; Devora; Dvora; Devoroh; Mother of Israel; Song of Deborah; Debbora; Deborah (Judges)
  • Gustave Doré's illustrations for ''La Grande Bible de Tours'']] (1865)

Deborah, female first name
Debbie, female first name (form of Deborah)



According to the Book of Judges, Deborah (Hebrew: דְּבוֹרָה, Dəḇōrā, "bee") was a prophetess of the God of the Israelites, the fourth Judge of pre-monarchic Israel and the only female judge mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. Many scholars contend that the phrase, "a woman of Lappidot", as translated from biblical Hebrew in Judges 4:4 denotes her marital status as the wife of Lapidoth. Alternatively, "lappid" translates as "torch" or "lightning", therefore the phrase, "woman of Lappidot" could be referencing Deborah as a "fiery woman." Deborah told Barak, an Israelite general from Kedesh in Naphtali, that God commanded him to lead an attack against the forces of Jabin king of Canaan and his military commander Sisera (Judges 4:6–7); the entire narrative is recounted in chapter 4.

Judges 5 gives the same story in poetic form. This passage, often called The Song of Deborah, may date to as early as the twelfth century BC, and is perhaps the earliest sample of Hebrew poetry.

Exemples de prononciation pour Deborah
1. AUDIENCE: Deborah.
Productively Avoiding Sudden Death _ Jared Goralnick _ Talks at Google
2. AUDIENCE: Deborah.
Stop Spending, Start Managing _ Leigh Thompson _ Talks at Google
3. AUDIENCE: Deborah.
Stop Spending, Start Managing _ Leigh Thompson _ Talks at Google
The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone _ Deborah Madison _ Talks Google
Netflix Original Series Marvel's Daredevil _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Deborah
1. En janvier 2005, il est traîné en justice par son épouse Deborah pour graves violences domestiques.
2. D‘ailleurs, l‘heure des small caps est passée, selon Deborah Veverka, analyste du marché américain.
3. Deborah Kerr en 1'60 dans "Horizons sans fronti';re" de Fred Zinnemann Photo: Keystone CINEMA.
4. Les titres de croissance devraient remplacer l‘investissement dans la valeur, selon Deborah Veverka.
5. Nous avons d‘autres alternatives comme les venture capitalistes», souligne Deborah Choate, responsable des finances d‘Esmertec.